Science of Identity

The Science of Identity Foundation was established in 1977 to pass on the ancient teachings of yoga in a rational, logical, clear manner so that individuals can seriously contemplate upon, consider, and apply those teachings in their personal lives to achieve optimum physical, mental, and spiritual well-being..


The Science of Yoga

The goal of all yoga processes is to lead one to a correct understanding of what is; and furthermore, to apply that correct understanding in life.

Unlike religion in which an individual may believe or not believe in something (regardless of its truth or untruth), the process of yoga is one which allows a person to experience direct perception.

In other words, it is a science and as a science it is a quest to understand or to know truth as it is—regardless of whether or not the yoga practitioner wants to believe that truth or not. True understanding of the nature of things and their actual relationships is known as self-realization. Acting on the basis of that self-realization is known as wisdom.

Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras state:

“Incorrect knowledge formed about something, which is not based on its true nature, is called false understanding (misconception).”

Yoga processes are meant to remove such misconceptions. Various yoga processes, including asanas, pranayam, meditation, etc.

According to Patanjali:

“The sources of correct understanding are direct perception, inference and the words (written or spoken) of self-realized authorities.”

The yogi, like the modern scientist, employs the laws of logic and observation, but does not limit his search for the truth only to that which is outside of himself. His scientific research also involves inner work, for example, observation of and learning about the nature of his mind, his behavior, his actions, etc.

The Science of Identity Foundation exists specifically to assist individuals who want to know the truth of their identity (i.e., their true essence, their relationship to the physical body, the mind, etc.) and to realize the actual purpose of their life and where actual happiness is found.

This path of self-discovery is an individual one. It is not a team effort. Each and every one of us has our own unique level of understanding or realization of truth. Therefore, the Science of Identity Foundation does not exist for the purpose of providing individual seekers with a sense of belonging to a group or organization. There are many groups or organizations in the world which exist as avenues for individuals to obtain such feelings of being members of a particular team or group—be they groups which are of a religious or non-religious nature. If individuals wish to join such groups, that is up to them. However, individuals who are seeking satisfaction from being a member of a group should understand that the Science of Identity Foundation does not exist to provide them with that. To repeat, the purpose of the Science of Identity Foundation is to provide practices, etc. so that any individual who wishes to apply it to their life can do so.